Produksi dan Pemasaran Minuman Infused Water 7216 di Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Classyfood

Syifa Shafira, Salsabilla (2020) Produksi dan Pemasaran Minuman Infused Water 7216 di Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Classyfood. Project Report. IPB University.

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SALSABILLA SYIFA SHAFIRA. Production and Marketing of 7216 Infused Water at Classyfood Usaha Kecil dan Menengah. Guided by RINA MARTINI and FIRMAN M.BASAR
Production is the activity of transforming the condition of raw or undercooked foodstuffs into ready-to-consume food (Wani et al. 2019). Food production aims to produce the right amount of food for large consumers. Supporting the production process required a kitchen to process food and drinks products. Classyfood Kitchen is a kitchen with simple facilities because of Classyfood is categorized medium scale of production or small and medium businesses (SMEs). The kitchen used is a domestic kitchen that used as a place for the production of infused water products.
Infused water is water that given a few pieces of fruit, vegetables, and herbal that freshwater will have a distinctive aroma, taste, and color according to the ingredients that are dissolved (infused) in the water. Infused water may also be alkaline water since the fruit juice fused with the water (Hindah, 2014). This beverage could be an alternative for consumption if it bored drinking water because of its plain taste. Moreover, infused water also enables to increase the intake of nutrients, alkaline fluids, fiber, enzymes, and polyphenols.
The general objective of the final assignment is to study the production of Infused Water in a la carte menu at Classyfood. There are four specific objectives in this final assignment, (1) To learn the general state of Classyfood Kitchen. (2) To identify preparations for infused water beverage production at Classyfood Kitchen. (3) To identify the process of portioning and packaging of infused water in Classyfood Kitchen. (4) To learn the marketing methods of infused water in Classyfood
Observations and data retrieval is conducted during fieldwork practices from February 26, to May 19, 2020, in Classyfood Kitchen. The data retrieval method used was the primary and secondary data collection.
Classyfood Kitchen is a production kitchen for small and medium businesses (SMEs) as of that the kitchen used is a simple domestic kitchen with limited facilities. The production kitchen is in the home of the Classyfood owner that functions as a production house. Classyfood Kitchen has the responsibility to produce any Classyfood product, which is the a la carte menu. Classyfood Kitchen produces infused water as a healthy drink to consume.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Production, Infused Water drinks, Classyfood Kitchen, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah
Subjects: Student Project Report
Divisions: School of Vocational Studies > Industrial Management of Service, Food and Nutrition
Depositing User: Manajemen Industri Jasa Makanan dan Gizi SV IPB
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2020 13:21
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2020 13:21

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