Qibtia, Tsamrotul (2022) BUDIDAYA TANAMAN KALE (Brassica oleraceae var. sabellica) DENGAN SISTEM HIDROPONIK NFT (NUTRIENT FILM TECHNIQUE) DI ELSA FARM BOGOR. Project Report. IPB University.

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TSAMROTUL QIBTIA. Cultivation of Kale (Brassica oleraceae var. sabellica) with the NFT Hydroponic System (Nutrient Film Technique) at Elsa Farm Bogor. Cultivation of Kale (Brassica oleraceae var. sabellica) using the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) System at Elsa Farm Bogor. Supervised by RESTU PUJI MUMPUNI.
Kale is a type of horticultural plant which belongs to the family of Brassicaceae species Brassica oleracea. Kale is an economically valuable plant and has good prospects for cultivation. Kale has high content of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are good for body and low in calories. There is an increase in demand for kale along with community knowledge which is growing but not balanced with the increasing of kale production and the increasing number of agricultural lands decreased due to land conversion and critical soil conditions, pests and diseases uncontrollable, limited amount of irrigation water, erratic season and quality which is not uniform. An effort is needed to improve the results of the production. Agricultural cultivation technology with a hydroponic system is expected become an alternative, therefore it can meet the demand for kale consumption in society.
Field Work Practices (PKL) generally aim to increase work experience in the field of vegetable crops, especially kale with a system hydroponics. The purpose of community development is to provide innovation in making compost from vegetable waste to residents around PKL locations, therefore the residents can use the kitchen waste in their respective homes as well as the experience which they have for providing the socialization to the community.
The kale cultivation process begins with the sterilization of the tools, making the nutrition, nutrient pump checking, seeding, planting, maintenance, process observation and harvesting. Primary data obtained by direct observation namely in the form of field work practices, while secondary data is obtained from archives field management and documentation. Cultivating kale at Elsa Farm using NFT technique (Nutrient Film Technique) with bed system installation type. Weight net at planting period 1 with a total of 304 plants having a net weight of 8.99 kg. Planting period 2 with a total of 270 plants had a net weight of 12.54 kg. The main pests which attack kale plants are armyworms. Cultivation acceptance kale with an area of 1,078 m2 earns IDR 245,000,000 with a profit of IDR 213,426,392 and an R/C ratio of 7.7, which means the business is profitable and already paid back.
Community development regarding composting, residents are interested to make compost. By making compost you can reduce waste households and companies and provide nutrients to plants.

Keywords: kale, hydroponics, community development, NFT

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: kale, hidroponik, pengembangan masyarakat, NFT
Subjects: Student Project Report
Divisions: School of Vocational Studies > Production Technology and Development of agricultural communities
Depositing User: Teknologi Produksi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Pertanian SV IPB
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2022 01:10
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2022 01:10
URI: https://ereport.ipb.ac.id/id/eprint/12187

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